Top Website Design Trends

Every year comes with its own website design trends with some focusing on more responsiveness, beauty, and interactivity. The following designs found popularity in 2016 and are continuing this success in 2017. Responsive Web Design With the rise of new media devices, any website being developed must be responsive to handle them. This includes devices such as smart TVs, smart watches, phones, tablets and desktop computers. Your website must have a responsive navigation structure. Flat Web Design This modern pared-down look is still one of the most preferred designs for 2017. The flat web design style lures visitors to check what your website has to offer. It is easy to navigate and works perfectly with mobile devices. Ghost Buttons Also known as hollow or empty buttons with an almost non-existing look, these buttons grab the attention of the user. The buttons complement the surrounding design properties and visual elements such as a background image that offers viewers a subtle guidance. Scrolling A website that displays everything on the first page is ideal for mobile devices and this is what the scrolling trend offers. It is more intuitive than clicking. Using Large Images This is the theme that you should go for if you want a beautiful homepage. The tagline should be bold and the image should have a call to action ghost button. Website Development Using Typography This design offers bold and simple images and is favored by many developers. Typography focuses on content by making it reader-friendly. There are plenty of quality amazing fonts. The ones for sale are reasonably priced.