If you run an e-commerce website, then you already know that conventional SEO rules that aim to boost your on-page rankings are not that efficient.
The Google algorithm is text-based and e-commerce sites have more images than text.
What is the solution?
Off-page SEO is what you should be after. This is a powerful tool also known as link building. It is not easy to understand link building but once you master it, it will serve you excellently.
How to Become a Link Building Pro
Developing links for e-commerce websites is not much different compared to other businesses. The steps are as follows:
Exchanging Links with Related Businesses and Partners
It is a great idea to exchange links with businesses that you relate with, this can be a business where you make purchases. Email them your link to be put up on their site and you do the same for theirs. This is a win-win situation.
Link with Friends and Family
These are free links that are good for your business especially if one of them runs a successful online business.
Offer your Services for Links
If you are good with website design, you can offer your services to a site that is not well designed but boasts good page rankings.
But here’s the kicker:
Don’t offer a website overhaul, be specific and make wise decisions.
Engage Brand Ambassadors
This is a good way of creating a buzz around your products. For example, if a well-known blogger writes about your product, your brand will be carried a long way.
How do engage your customers?
You can lure your visitors to the link by mentioning the brand ambassador wherever possible to create more buzz.
Offer Discount
Some of the sites with the highest authority are .edu sites used by organizations and learning institutions. To get them on board, offer your product at a discount and have your link posted there.
This is one of the best SEO off-page practices.
Contests, Giveaways and Draws
These are magnets for attracting traffic.
Wait, there a catch:
You have to offer a sample product to a popular blogger who will then write a brief review on his/her blog and post your link.
Blogs with high traffic will drive plenty of traffic to your site.
Purchasing Expired Domains
If you come across a domain with plenty of links leading to it, buy it and have it redirected to yours. You will get lots of links without any hassle.
If you want high-quality links to your site, hire Artlogic for professional link building services.