8 Reasons to Upgrade Your Website

Have you ever checked your website and realized something is missing? If yes, you’re not alone. Many website owners find themselves in this predicament but they can’t figure out what’s wrong.

You know it’s time to give your website a clean look when you:

- Find yourself constantly editing your site.

- Look at other sites and realize that yours doesn’t match up.

- Experience problem after problem with your hosting platform and it starts taking plenty of your time to deal with.


How often should you upgrade your site?

The internet is advancing at a fast rate, it is, therefore, best to review and upgrade your website every three months. This will help you figure out what’s working and what’s not.

With this in mind, what should you upgrade?


Keep reading to find out these eight reasons to upgrade:



If your website needs to look well on a variety of screen sizes you should consider a responsive layout for any viewing environment.

Duplicate Content

If you used content that appears on the Internet in more than one place, you should definitely rewrite it and make 100% unique.

No Call to Action

If your website doesn't have a call to action, your site visitors will not take the desired action. The desired action can be signing up to your email list, downloading an ebook or clicking on buy and if there's no call to action, you will end up losing.

Long Load Times

Long load times are a turn-off for site visitors. if your site takes plenty of time to load, chances are that the visitors will not stick around and will turn to your competitors.

Using All Stock Photos

There is a lot that can go wrong by using stock photos. Generic photos do not represent you, your business or your services. They also make you look suspicious and untrustworthy, you should avoid stock photos at all costs.  

Outdated Content

The internet is constantly changing and for you to stay ahead of the curve, you must have knowledge within your niche and update your content with new developments.

Check your website and the current trends to know whether your content is still relevant. If any content is outdated, upgrade it.


The phrase ‘never judge a book by its cover’ does not apply to your online brand. If your brand is out of touch, your audience will suspect that everything else is outdated too.

You need to improve your brand like two times every year to keep it attractive and ahead of the curve.


Don’t host your business with a hosting platform that isn’t secure because this is a sure way to hurt your business. Choose a professional hosting platform who care about your business.

It’s time to upgrade if you find yourself constantly calling customer care because your site is offline. Don’t waste your time with a hosting platform that is letting you down, upgrade.